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The Brisbane Spoolette's High Tea

Wow! The delightful Busy Lizzie in Brizzie organised the third Brisbane Spoolettes for a High Tea at the Brisbane Marriott again. This time there were so many of us, we had a private event room. It was terrifically beautiful with big fuchsia and tangerine sashes on the chairs... I originally walked past this room because I thought it was for a wedding but heck, we are such a gorgeous crowd, why shouldn't we have a terrific room! Well done Lizzy - this was a great bonus plus I'm sure the hotel prefers us keeping the squeals in a private room! Counting the number in the photo above, there are 35 of us here, and there were a few who couldn't make it. Quite a (beautifully dressed) crowd wouldn't you say? There were people from far and wide.  As usual I am too busy talking to take too many photos; too busy talking and I tried to talk to as many people as possible but I know I missed chatting to probably half the people there :(

There was great pattern and fabric swaps and although I promised I wouldn't (get any), I did..just a few and fewer than I put in. I need to cull patterns seriously. (I love looking at them but I now admit they distract me from actually sewing ... if I have fewer patterns to dream through, I'd probably have more clothing to actually wear!) Anyway, I'm going to get some up on Etsy anytime in the next X (X = time taken  with X - unknown)... I have some terrific things ready to sell so when it's done I'll let you know. (I also have a lot) I also won't be putting them up for exorbitant prices as I'd like someone to feel like they got a bargain and actually move them to another home to be used or loved.

I, as usual, promised I would not do a last minute dash to make something, and then promptly did exactly that, except that it didn't feel rushed at all. I made a Sewaholic Lonsdale dress... my first Sewaholic pattern and one I got at the second high tea last year, with fabric I got at the first high tea! Anyone know who donated this fabric? I didn't think to get a close up but the lilac print is a leaf design but it has an earring hook on it so I think this is one of the print your own design fabrics. It's a cotton in the weight of quilting cotton and is easy to sew and wear.

So I made three toiles of the bodice and cutting out all the who ha,  I make a size 10 toile and a size 16 and then one size 10 with a 8 cm FBA. This all just wasn't right so took a chance and I cut a 10 in the back and a 16 for the front with a dart pinched out of the upper bust to fit my tiny weeny frame with adjustments for the side seam of 16 at the waist and 10 at the top, smoothing all seams and a size 16 skirt.  I had to narrow the skirt about 20 cm all round as the pieces wouldn't fit on the length of fabric and cut it on the cross. I had to also piece the straps on the dress as well as not self facing the bodice so just the straps are self faced. The other big thing was that I omitted the waist band. I debated it but as I am so short waisted I figured I could do without it. I think it works out ok for me and without the band I could wear a belt should I want. All these adjustments and modifications worked really well and the dress fits pretty well, if not a little big at the waist and I love it.

When I got this fabric, I knew I wanted to make a Lonsdale dress out of it and the next year the universe or rather the Spoolettes provided!  I was going to make this a wearable muslin and see about making another one in a fabric also earmarked for a Lonsdale. After making one, I think this is a terrific pattern that is easy to make and very, very quick (after the adjustments - but worth the time).  I can see more in my wardrobe and finally made something that is cute to wear as day wear, but still a bit special. I think this dress would suit my youngest sister too so there will be more in my sewing future.

The early evening of the high tea, I took my son and his friend to see a movie and just changed shoes to walk to the cinema. After washing my hands in the bathroom, someone yelled out to me they loved my dress and I said, "thank you" then she asked where I got it and said "I made it yesterday!" and swanned out... I saw her turn to her friend and say in complete surprise "she MADE IT"... I was so chuffed. Then today when visiting my Dad at the nursing home, two people asked me about it ... one in such detail that she wanted to know the pattern... I don't think she was up on modern sewing internet thing but she was very keen to know the pattern.

Here it is, with Lizzie  (Inari dress) and Colette (Simplicity 2444) and me in my Lonsdale. I really wanted to rip those shoes right off Colette ask Colette where she got her shoes, but I forgot. SO gorgeous!

What is going on here? 

Oops... sprung Lizzie!

Ok... I'll show you... Lizzie and I were talking and admiring the gorgeous red dress and commenting about the skirt ... we knew there was a petticoat but ..... there's nothing quite like touching and feeling and where else would this be acceptable behaviour?

Sorry I don't have more photos... there are lots around though. Thanks for great organising Lizzie and thanks everyone who attended for a great, fun afternoon. 


you all really do the sewing meet ups in a fantastic way in AU. love the photos and you all look so great. Very cute lonsdale dress.
Summer Flies said…
Thanks Beth. Yes we do enjoy our meet ups and take them very seriously in the most fun way!
Kyle said…
That is the best dress you have ever made! It looks AMAZING on you! As my mom would have said, "make one in every color".

I saw a pic of the room you had your tea in on IG and thought it looked like a room for a wedding--then you wrote that it looked like a room for a wedding! yes! I'm impressed that your events even have logos!
Summer Flies said…
Wow! Thanks Kyle! Yes I'm very happy with it and I think I will make some more. We are still have 30 degree days so it'll still get some use! It was a beautiful room only outdone by beautiful women and their outfits.
Sue said…
Your Lonsdale is lovely. You have achieved a great fit and the fabric is so pretty for it.
Summer Flies said…
Thanks Sue. I love the fabric too.
colesworth said…
Fantastic dress Sofie, I'm not surprised you had the compliments, and I love that it's made from pattern and fabric from previous high teas! I put a picture (with me an Lizzie) in the FB album 'swap fabric makes!'. It was such a great day, love those petticoat photos too. Sounds like I'm lucky I got home with my shoes, as a few other people mentioned they were thinking of stealing them ;o) ps - i traced my togs pattern and I cut a muslin but then went back to a couple of UFOs this weekend!
Summer Flies said…
Thank you Colette. It was a great day and I love it was made wholly from swap stuff! Yes gorgeous shoes...I'm not surprised more people mentioned them. I have so many things half done around the place at the moment, but had to make another pair or shorts for my son, so next I'm cutting lots out to have it lined up and ready. Good luck with the togs after the UFO's!
katherine h said…
What a beautiful dress. The style of the dress and colour of the print are so perfect for you. You should make many more of these!
Summer Flies said…
Thanks Katherine. I have some other fabrics earmarked for them. Still so hot here too.
colesworth said…
forgot to say that the shoes are Django and Juliette brand (Dacey heel) and I got them when they were on sale at
Sarah Liz said…
Well, you look lovely :). I can't quite believe how you turn out such nice dresses with such a tight deadline, but you do. What a lovely gathering - I wish I lived in Brisbane, you seem to have such a lovely, active group of sewers up there.

Also, I hope I haven't missed commenting on your blog - my computer died in a puff of smoke two weeks ago, and finally the new one has arrived and is set up and going enough to get started on blogs again.
Summer Flies said…
Thanks Sarah Liz, yes although I promise myself, no tight deadlines, I keep doing it. What a drag to have to get a new computer!

It is a terrific group and I never get to speak to everyone, despite me trying. You should come up next year.... many travel up and it is such fun.
Summer Flies said…
Thanks Colette, I may have to stalk that site!
McVal said…
What a fun time! and I love the name of your group... Once when my daughter was wearing a dress I'd made her, she overheard someone telling another person that my daughter made all her own clothes... She didn't correct them. :) So it's false pride!!!

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