This is my old shower curtain from years ago. It wasn't so good that someone would buy it at the op shop but too good to toss. Shower curtains are quite strong fabric and so I made shopping bags out of it. I made about 7. They aren't the same size but the process was the same. A rectangle; sewn up one side in a doubled over seam for strength, sew up some straps, square off the bottom and turn the top over twice with the straps sewn in. They are very strong and lightweight; reasonably water resistant, look better than those ugly things they sell at the shops. I've used them for many things other than groceries such as my wet swimming things, getting extra sewing supplies and I keep one in my handbag and work backpack. I'm really happy with them. I've got another shower curtain but not sure I need more shopping bags but maybe I'll make something else out of it.
I hope everyone is coping with our new normal. We aren't in a dire position where I am but I am still thinking to make up some masks. We are so lucky where we are but I fear complacency is our biggest threat. Sometimes it's hard to recognise there is a pandemic with the casual way people behave. I have 3 immediate family members who are immunocompromised so I am very careful; stay away from most people and don't really do anything other than seeing my family, work, grocery shop and see a handful of friends... not all at once. We are ok. I have a whole house, a yard, wide spaces and a very safe office (I've worked in the office the whole time) but I do feel for the people with small children, in flats or apartments and in high density, nursing or older folks homes (Mum is there at the moment), disabled people. My stash and I would be happy for a little lock down, but that would mean many people are unsafe, so I don't really wish for that. Stay safe and well.