A few weeks ago I picked up my son from school a little bit earlier as we had an appointment to go to and his teacher said "oh we were just talking about what will happen tomorrow with the children do their parade of story characters tomorrow"
"oh" says me ... "what parade"
"it came in a note a few weeks ago"
"mmm... no I didn't get that note"
"Not to worry... just make something up out of what you have at home is what we've said. No need to go and buy anything"
"Ok" me says again.
So after our appointment and at 5.30pm while making dinner, I whipped up a Robin Hood outfit. I think if Robin Hood went out in this the rich would feel sorry for him and give him their riches but my son was thrilled (as 7 yo boys are when you "whip something up" for them). He was so grateful he kept saying, "wow, this is great", "I can't believe it!".
It's made from a remnant I bought at Spotlight. It's some of that stuff you make to put on tables to protect the top. I went on the internet and found a tutorial for the hat shape from a girl who made 18 I think for a rendition of Robin Hood-Men in Tights for her husband and friends (can't find it now). I made up a belt from an old belt and a pouch for the 'arrows' ... just didn't have a feather for these photos but he got one the next day. His school uniform is that bottle green so that kind of went with it. He was very proud the next when he came home from school and said many of his friends told him they couldn't believe his mum made it (obviously they know nothing about quality sewing!) but I was glad for him!