This is a chair bag. In the primary school my son goes to they store their books in this bag that hangs on their chair. I am not enamoured with this principle but abide by it. I made Alex a chair bag last year... this one with a "W" is obviously not for him but the brother of Alex's best friend. They sell really ugly bottle green ones for $7 at the school but a personalised one is much better in my opinion... I mean if you have to have the ugly chair bag may as well be one that looks a little interesting, no?
My friend gave me the fabric last Thursday. She was clearing a storage shed where she has been storing her and her husband's stuff for the last 10 years while working overseas, came across this and decided she's not getting the opportunity to use it any time soon and so she offered it to me. It's a very good quality, heavy Indian cotton ribbed fabric for upholstery use and perfect for a chair bag for a boy.
I have some Star Wars fabric bought recently to make shorts for Alex and I thought William would like his initial on his bag with this fabric. A quick appliqué job; sew up the sides with a double row of triple stitch after overlocking and bam, it's done. I sent a photo to my friend to show William and "he is impressed!" Very pleasing as we all know how fussy 8 year old boys can be. Another happy customer.
I have been sewing - some Star Wars shorts for Alex (with a different Star Wars fabric) and three t-shirts; two of which are finished and one just waiting for the neck binding and the hemming of the sleeves. Hopefully that will be finished up today or tomorrow. See you then.