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Bug boxers

Alex is the big winner in the sewing game lately. He needed some more as the last ones I'd made was 2020. The fabric is a cotton remnant from Spotlight from ages ago. I really liked the bug print and perfect size for these boxers.

It's the same pattern Simplicity 9958. This is such a great pattern as it's just two pieces with a fly which I normally close but you could leave it open. It's got full size range for kids and adults. You can just see the clear buttons on the photo above.

I bought these labels in Stoff and Stil when in Cologne in 2019 so I'm happy to use it for the first time. I don't like labels in my clothes so I'll only use them when I make something for someone else.

I have been cooking still too. I normally make stollen for Christmas but as my sister passed away on 3 December I just didn't feel the love, but on Christmas Eve morning I decided I'm make a small batch. My sister was an amazing cook and she must have been watching over me as they were the best batch I've made. Ha ha... although it took me about 3 weeks to recognise that I forgot to put in the lemon and orange peel! They were still delicious.

I also made this roast beetroot and ricotta tart. It was delicious warm (to testšŸ˜‰) and took it to a boat ride around the Gold Coast canals to see the Christmas lights, which was really fun and the tart went down a treat.

Hopefully I'll get some sewing done today. I have two dresses that are both nearly completed. Both are from vintage patterns and both are gifted fabrics! I really need some new  clothes at the moment plus Alex and I are going to Greece in April and I need some more cold weather stuff too. Let's see if the universe gives me that time.

Thanks for reading - it's nice to document some things to at least see I've done something other than cry, clear up and work. 


M-C said…
So sorry it's been a horrible year... I hope those adorable boxers manage to give you an occasional smile
Anonymous said…
Thank you... I can smile just some days are harder than others. Sewing is a good break when I get time.
Patricia said…
What cute boxers, and a great pattern too. Will take a note of it. You are an amazing cook, as well as sewist! Both the Stollen and the tart look tdf. Happy baking and sewing. x
Anonymous said…
Thanks Patricia... It is a great pattern and I've used it a lot. Great for all ages makes it great value too.

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